Homeopathy for Animals


Homeopathy offers an in-depth process to heal and rebalance. It is considered universal and suitable for everyone whether you are two legged, four legged, furred or finned.

Combination Services via Zoom/Phone Sessions:
  • Constitutional Homeopathy & Animal Communication: $350 (~90 min)
    • A comprehensive view combining the animal’s health and communication.
    • Constitutional follow-up: $130 (~30 min)
  • Acute Care Homeopathy & Animal Communication: $150 (~30 min)
    • For acute cases requiring both homeopathic care and communication.
    • Includes text follow-up (up to 3 texts)

Please note: Additional time will billed accordingly in fifteen minute intervals. Pricing varies for additional texting and emergency support.

Schedule a homeopathic consult here!